
Pydip is a python program with the main objective to give a stereoplot reading practice platform by generating random planes, folds, faults and focal mechanisms.

As a secondary future objective, for now not implemented, the software will be able to plot and elaborate structural measurements obtained on the field (similar to Stereonet).

The plots are generated with mplstereonet library.


Generate multiple random sets of planes

The program chooses a random dip direction and angle for every set and depending on that plane the planes will be generated with a normal distribuition with a random std value.

The parameters that can be tweaked are:

  • Number of sets
  • Number of planes
  • Plot planes and/or poles

Generate multiple random sets of folds

The program can generate n sets of random planes that follow random cilindrical fold parameters (axial plane and hinge line inclination etcetc).

The parameters that can be tweaked are:

  • Number of sets of folds
  • Number of planes for every fold limb
  • Plot limb planes and/or poles
  • Plot plane axis and/or hinge line

Generate random focal mechanisms

Data table view and selection

Import and plot imported data

Planned features:

  • Faults
  • Better selection options
  • Better import functions
  • Statistics module
  • 3D viewer for plotted structures
Gabriele Benedetti
Gabriele Benedetti
Research assistant University of Milano-Bicocca

MSc in Geology and Geodinamics with the knack